When you want the answers , we have them when the news doesn't
21 WFMJ & ,27 WKBN News have been censoring the local news since 2017. This has been verified by employees of both stations.
21 WFMJ & ,27 WKBN News have been censoring the local news since 2017. This has been verified by employees of both stations.
Here's what happened when we went down to the law office to fill out ANOTHER public request for information as the first one we did came back with responses from the law office that were unacceptable. Vague and ambiguous questions were not what we gave, however that was how they answered us the first time.
Here is a hyperlink document to all recordings, letters and emails documenting the disgusting and unscrupulous behavior of Jeff LImbian and in cahoots with Mayor Tito Brown.
There's much to understand here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about what happened to the local spend for Youngstown and why it happened to them. This movie filmed in Columbiana County , headquarters in Lisbon,OH
Why did they lie to the State of Ohio's Film Office? Why did they Coerce/Extort the Youngstown Regional Film Commission for the business they had? Why were they purporting to be a Sanctioned film office called "Youngstown Film Office", when there is no such office?DoubleTree suing over booking rooms with a production that had no money to film?
Perhaps it''s time you listen to the recordings and read the documents surrounding the possible collusion,corruption and perhaps illegal behaviors from the administration,councilit
Ask us about :
Tito Brown & Jeff Limbian
Sharon Woodberry
Mike Ray
Michael McGiffin
Julius Oliver -"For Mayor"??
"Roadkill McGuillicutty"
The Double Tree Hotel
The "Youngstown Film Office"
Barbara Heirro
Bob Wasko
Buddy's Bar with Tito
The Ohio Film Office Meeting 4/3/19
The $1.2Million dollar Float Loan
MIke Leahy
ATG Group, LIsbon Ohio
Locations outside of Ytown
Extras and local cast
Key moments
Warner Brothers Theater Premiere??
Vendors of the movie
Involvement of the YRFC
8-8pm EST.
"Them That Follow"- The first Hollywood movie, brought to the region by "The Youngstown Regional Film Commission." Their website is FilmYoungstown.com
There is no affiliation with any party or parties, authorship. The design is of sole ownership as of all opinions stated on this page. No documents, recordings or video provided have been edited. No purpose for censorship, concealment,nor with intent to deceive or falsify the truth of what is discussed, is made on this page.
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